The work plan of the proposed research has been established according to the topic description instructions. The 3TANIUM project has a 24-month duration and is structured into four technical work packages (WP1 to WP4), covering all technical work starting from planning the specimen and characterization matrix, fabrication of specimens and their characterization and performing mechanical, NDT and material testing. WP1 provides a completed specimen and testing matrix to be able to investigate the effects of different manufacturing parameters on mechanical and fracture properties of titanium AM specimens. Also in this work package the required specimens will be fabricated. The testing will be realized in WP2 (NDT) and WP3 (mechanical, fatigue, materials testing). In WP4, with respect to the quantified defects in WP2 and WP3, industrial relevant fatigue life prediction methods by modelling and simulation approaches will be carried out. In WP5 assessment and reporting will be performed by linking processing parameters with NDT results, mechanical properties and results of modeling to draw the final conclusions and lessons learnt in order to be able to define recommendations. A work package is devoted to exploitation, dissemination and communication activities and to management activities (WP6). Details regarding the timing of WPs and tasks are presented in the following Gantt chart.